Igreja do Menino Deus, 19 de Novembro de 2021
"Wonderful and unforgettable memories from yesterday's evening concert! Impossible to feel more grateful...
Our love and devotion for Charpentier is undeniable, it's absolutely OUR music.
And this was a real rare opportunity, when everything came together to allow the magic and purity of Beauty to happen: a breathtaking venue, with an impressive acoustic, a spotless and caring organisation, a sensitive public, and a perfect symbiosis between five truly committed artists.
Many thanks to Largo Alto for the invitation and to make it all possible, and also to our dear, dear friends, the sisters of Saint Joseph de Cluny, most specially Sister Leonor, for their love and care
And also many thanks to Jorge Marques, who with his camera and talent perpetuated evanescent Beauty into eternity...
Ludovice Ensemble"
Temporada de Música na Igreja do Menino Deus - Ludovice Ensemble
Fernando Miguel Jalôto, órgão e direcção musical
Hugo Oliveira, barítono
Marta Vicente, violone
Fernando Guimarães, tenor
André Lacerda, tenor